Beginners Guide to Annapurna Circuit Trek: What You Need to Know

Annapurna Circuit Trek is a mesmerizing journey through the western Nepali Himalayas around the magnificent Annapurna range.

This trek is recognized as one of the best long treks in the world by renowned travel authorities that takes you through breathtaking landscapes, traditional villages, lush subtropical forests, and arid high-altitude passes.  

In this Annapurna circuit trek for beginners guide, we'll tell you everything you need to know before setting out on this unforgettable adventure.

The Annapurna Circuit Trek typically takes around 10 to 15 days, covering a distance of approximately 160 to 230 kilometers, depending on the route. Throughout the trek, you will experience the cultural and natural riches of the Annapurna region.


Best Time to Trek

Annapurna circuit trek for beginners guide will be incomplete without mentioning the best season for this iconic trek. Here is a season-by-season breakdown to let you know what to expect in Annapurna Circuit in different seasons.

  • Spring (March to May)

Spring is one of the best seasons for the Annapurna Circuit Trek. The weather is warm and pleasant, with clear skies and blossoming rhododendrons creating a picturesque backdrop. The trail comes alive with vibrant wildflowers, especially the rhododendrons, adding a colorful touch to the surroundings.

The views of the snow-capped peaks are crystal clear, providing trekkers with stunning vistas of the Himalayan landscape. Spring is a popular season, so expect moderate crowds along the trail, especially at popular stopping points.

Temperature: During the daytime, temperatures range from 10°C to 20°C (50°F to 68°F) at lower altitudes, while higher elevations might still experience cooler temperatures.

  • Summer (June to August)

Summer coincides with the monsoon season, bringing heavy rainfall to the region. Trekking gets challenging due to slippery trails and limited mountain views.

The Annapurna Circuit sees fewer trekkers during the monsoon season, resulting in a quieter trail. Despite the rain, the landscapes are lush and green, and the forests are vibrant with life.

Temperature: Temperatures can be warmer, with daytime temperatures ranging from 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F).

  • Autumn (September to November)

Autumn is another excellent time for the Annapurna trek. The weather is dry, and pleasant, making it ideal for trekking. The skies are usually clear, offering stunning panoramic views of the Himalayan peaks.

While the lush greenery of summer fades, the landscapes retain their beauty, and the trails are in good condition. Autumn is a popular trekking season, and you can expect moderate to high numbers of trekkers along the route. Moreover, this is a festive season in Nepal.

Temperature: Daytime temperatures range from 10°C to 20°C (50°F to 68°F), and the evenings are cool.

  • Winter (December to February)

Winter brings colder temperatures and the possibility of snowfall, making it a challenging time to trek the Annapurna Circuit. So, you will find fewer trekkers along a quieter and more peaceful trail.

Clear skies provide crisp views of the snow-covered landscapes, but certain sections of the route might be inaccessible due to heavy snow.

Temperature: Daytime temperatures at lower altitudes range from 5°C to 10°C (41°F to 50°F), and higher altitudes experience sub-zero temperatures.


📅Click Here to Learn the Cost and Available Date for Annapurna Circuit Trek.


Annapurna Circuit Trek Permits

You will need permits to traverse the Annapurna Circuit. These permits include the Annapurna Conservation Area Permit (ACAP) and the Trekkers' Information Management System (TIMS) card.

These permits contribute to the preservation of the natural environment and ensure the safety of trekkers. Your trek provider can acquire these permits for you.

Essential Trekking Gear for Beginners

Annapurna Circuit Trek is a remote trek, but you will find lodging available at all the right places, so you do not need a tent camp.

However, you will need proper clothing, gear, and equipment for a safe and comfortable journey. 

Body Hiking shirts
Long-sleeved shirt
Hooded rain jacket
Fleece jacket
Lightweight cotton pants
T-Shirt (bring Lightweight wool)
Polypropylene underwear
Down jacket (available for rent in Kathmandu)
Waterproof jacket and pants
Head Sun hat or scarf
Winter hat or insulating hat or wide-brimmed hat
Headlight with extra batteries
Hands Lightweight gloves
Heavyweight winter gloves
Footwear Hiking Boots
Thick wool socks (take an extra pair of thick light socks)

Trekking equipment

Gear Backpack or daypack (Size depends on whether you take a porter or not).
Thermal bottle
Water purification
Trekking pole
Sleeping bag (-15 bag is best in high altitude trekking)

Personal Items

Accessories Money
Cell phone


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How to prepare for the Annapurna Circuit Trek?

Please remember the fitter you are, the more you will enjoy the trek. Physical preparation is important for a successful hike. Hence, here is how to prepare for the Annapurna trek.

  • Cardiovascular exercises

    High-altitude treks, such as Annapurna Circuit, demand excellent cardiovascular endurance. So try to engage in activities that elevate your heart rate, such as running, cycling, swimming, or brisk walking.

  • Strength Training

    Building muscle strength is essential for tackling steep ascents and descents and you should exercise your upper body, core, and legs. Squats, lunges, step-ups, planks, and push-ups effectively develop strength.

  • Flexibility and Stretching

    Flexibility prevents injuries and muscle soreness. So, you must participate in stretching exercises in your routine, focusing on your legs, hips, and back. Pilates can be an excellent choice for enhancing flexibility.

  • Stair Climbing

    Stair climbing is a great way to simulate the uphill and downhill sections of the trek. Incorporate stair climbing sessions into your routine, gradually increasing the number of flights and pace.

  • Altitude Training

    If possible, engage in altitude simulation exercises using altitude training masks or spending time at higher elevations. This can aid in acclimatization before the trek.

  • Gradual Progression

    Start your training gradually and progressively increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. Listen to your body and avoid pushing yourself too hard, especially as the trek date approaches.


Acclimatization is crucial for trekking in high-altitude regions like the Annapurna Circuit.

You need proper acclimatization to help your body adjust to the decreasing oxygen levels as you ascend, reducing the risk of altitude-related illnesses and ensuring a safer and more enjoyable trekking experience. Most trekkers stay at Manang (3,519m) to acclimatize. 

Though you cannot prevent altitude sickness, you can decrease the chances by following certain practices, such as walking at your own pace, taking in lots of fluid, trekking high and sleeping low, and taking preventive medications. 

Packing Tips

When packing for the Annapurna Circuit Trek, prioritize versatile clothing that can adapt to changing weather conditions. Layering is key.

So pack moisture-wicking base layers, insulating mid-layers, and a waterproof outer shell to protect against rain and wind. Prepare yourself to face chilly temperatures at higher altitudes. Remember to bring a warm jacket, gloves, and a beanie. 

You will also need sturdy comfortable trekking boots with ankle support and traction. Consider carrying a good-quality sleeping bag. Other items include a headlamp, trekking poles for stability, a first aid kit, and a compact towel.

If you are trekking solo, you will need a large duffle bag. However, it is a good idea to hire porters. If you hire a porter, buy a big duffle bag for them, and carry a smaller duffle bag for your vital documents and valuables. 

Accommodation and Facilities

The Annapurna Circuit Trek offers a range of accommodation options, primarily in tea houses and lodges. These establishments are scattered along the trail at crucial points, so you do not need to establish tent camps.

Tea houses are simple and offer basic rooms with essential amenities such as beds, blankets, and sometimes shared bathrooms. Lodges might offer slightly more comfort and services.

The tea houses and lodges provide hearty meals. But, as you elevate, your food choices will be limited. During the trek, you should certainly try famous Nepali local dishes, such as dal bhat tarkari and momos (dumplings).

Though you will come across various water sources, you should not drink from them as water may not be drinkable. You can also purchase bottled water from tea houses and lodges but for ecological reasons, we advise you to bring a water bottle and fill it with boiled water. 


Communication and Internet

While on the trek, communication options are limited but not entirely unavailable. Many tea houses and lodges offer Wi-Fi services for a fee, but the quality and speed can vary significantly.

We suggest you contact your friends and families from these tea houses. Additionally, you can buy a sim card in Kathmandu as most trail sections have mobile network coverage. 


Also read: A Detailed Guide for Annapurna Circuit Trek



In this comprehensive Annapurna Circuit Trek for beginners guide, we've unraveled the essentials for beginners preparing to undertake the remarkable Annapurna Circuit Trek.

From understanding the trail's diverse terrains to acclimatization strategies and packing tips, you're now equipped with the knowledge to embark on the Annapurna Circuit as it entices you with breathtaking landscapes, cultural encounters, and the challenge of conquering high-altitude trails.

So, lace up your boots, pack your backpack, and get ready to forge unforgettable memories on the trails of the Annapurna Circuit. Your adventure of a lifetime awaits. Call/Viber/WhatsApp us at +977-9840055491 or email [email protected].



1. How Long is the Trek to Annapurna Circuit?

The duration of the Annapurna Circuit Trek can vary based on the route taken, walking pace, and acclimatization days. On average, the trek takes around 10 to 15 days to complete. The total distance covered ranges from approximately 160 to 230 kilometers (100 to 143 miles), depending on the specific itinerary chosen. The trail winds through diverse landscapes, including lush valleys, high mountain passes, and traditional villages, offering trekkers a varied and rewarding experience.


2. Is it Safe to Trek the Annapurna Circuit?

Yes, trekking the Annapurna Circuit is safe, but like any outdoor adventure, it comes with its own set of challenges. It's crucial to trek with a knowledgeable guide, follow proper acclimatization guidelines, and adhere to safety precautions. Altitude sickness is a concern, so gradual ascent, acclimatization days, and proper hydration are essential. The trail is well-trodden, and tea houses provide accommodation, food, and shelter. However, you will need enough travel insurance including helicopter rescue as trek regions do not have treatment centers.


3. How Hard is Annapurna Circuit Trek?

The Annapurna Circuit Trek is considered moderately challenging. The varied terrains, high mountain passes, and changing altitudes require a good level of physical fitness and mental preparedness. While no technical climbing skills are required, the trek demands endurance, strength, and resilience.


4. What is the Cost of Annapurna Circuit Trek?

The cost of the Annapurna Circuit trek can vary based on factors such as the trekking agency chosen, the duration of the trek, and the level of comfort you prefer. On average, the trek cost can range from $700 to $1500 USD per person, including permits, accommodations, meals, guide and porter fees, transportation, and other miscellaneous expenses. 

Paul Gurung

Paul has an extensive experience in the tourism industry. Through his blogs, he shares his deep knowledge about the stunning trek regions in Nepal, inspiring trekkers worldwide to explore these regions and enrich their lives. In addition to geography, his writings delve into the human side of the trek regions, including culture, traditions, religions, and etiquette, offering a comprehensive and enriching perspective on the Himalayan trekking and expedition experience.